Somerville Real Estate
Conveniently located on both the Red Line T and Route 93 lies Somerville. Only two miles northwest of Boston, Somerville has many squares just like nearby Cambridge. The most noteworthy squares include Assembly, Sullivan, Porter and Davis Squares. In the early 1980’s the Red Line T was extended into Davis Square which fueled much of its popularity. As years followed the other squares had also continued to grow as the city flourished with more business and development. Additionally, the new surge of the biotech industry that has infiltrated Cambridge next door has caused a spill over in residents to the more affordable Somerville area. One of the most exciting recent additions to the area is the extension of the Green Line T service. Being completed in 2022 this will extend the northern end of the Green Line from Lechmere to Union Square in Somerville and College Ave in Medford. This will provide service to areas that weren’t supported by public transit while also helping to reduce vehicle emissions on the road.
These days Somerville has been at the top of many buyers’ lists of towns to consider to purchase a home. The close proximity to Boston and accessibility by both the Red and Orange line T, has made for a great option for a quality neighborhood to call home. Desirable local amenities including the Outlets at Assembly Row continue to emerge and offer shopping and dining options. The inventory for housing consists of single families and many multi family residences, some that are now condominiums that have been rehabbed, providing an array of options for buyers.